March 26, 2025

ICONic Software

ICONic Software

Specsources’ FF&E spec writing software uses a variety of icons to inform the interior design professional what the status of sections of their project are – all at a glance.

These icons appear on the Spec Schedule, Spec Sheet, Client Approvals and Vendor Bids sections.

Each icon has a tooltip associated with it that informs the interior designer what it represents.

For an overall overview, below is a breakdown of each Specsources’ icon and what it means.


No Messages    No Messages Pending Bids    Bid Packages Pending to Send Client Approval Pending    Client Approval Pending
Messages    Messages Bids Sent  Bid Packages Sent Client Approves    Client Approves
Attached Items   Uph / Attached Items Bids Received  Bids Received Client Rejects   Client Rejects
PDFs Attached   PDFs Attached Bid Approved  Bid Approved Client Questions   Approved with comments
Generated from Catalog   Generated from the Catalog Bid Not Approved  Bid Not Approved
Bidder 1  Bidder 1’s Bid Received
Bidder 2  Bidder 2’s Bid Received
Bidder 3  Bidder 3’s Bid Received


Our Latest Blogs

September 14, 2023

Welcome to Our Freshly Launched Blog!

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January 8, 2024

Images Sizes for SpecWeb

Any size image can be uploaded and SpecWeb will automatically scale it. The ideal size for each image is below. The dimensions below or larger are the ideal sizes.     Detail Images Primary Spec Sheet Image Your Company Logo Additional Image Pages Cover Sheet Image Full Page